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Small Caps Are Making Big Moves

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Small Cap Relative Strength
The Action In Select Small Caps Is Encouraging...
The Small Caps Have Outperformed Apple For Three Months... Why does this matter? Perhaps we should say why might it matter? Because when small caps do well breadth tends to do well and when breadth does well the market does well.
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Traders Like The Small Cap Rally The Russell 2000 Small Cap Index is up 10.5 percent to start 2019.
Small Caps Just Did Something They Haven't Done In Three Decades Best start to the year since 1987.
Small Caps Should Outperform In 2019
3 Small Cap Techs On A Roll
Best Performing Small Caps Of 2018
Small Cap Indices Show Relative Strength In Both Directions
What Your Zip Code Says About You
Time To Invest In Small Caps
The Speed Of Correction In Small Caps
Small Cap Growth Pics For 2019
Small Caps To Buy In December
10 Small Caps That Look Like Bargains
Aurinia Pharmaceuticals (AUPH)

Website: www.Auriniapharma.com
"Voclosporin has the potential to become a best in class medication and the first approved treatment for LN in the U.S. and Europe."
More on AUPH here...
Myriad Genetics (MYGN)

Website: www.Myriad.com
"Myriad has the deepest diagnostic pipeline across the disease spectrum."
More on MYGN here...
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"A Primer In Small Cap Investing"
SmallCapReview.com® is a leading destination for small-cap picks and news. The Purpose of SmallCapReview.com is to profile and bring awareness to companies with a market cap of less than $1 billion, these small-cap stocks will primarily trade on the Nasdaq Small-Cap market. We also issue daily small cap stocks to watch via various newswires. We will strive to bring you the undiscovered, the undervalued, and the oversold. SmallCapReview.com does not give "buy" recommendations, price targets nor suggest entry and exit points.
"A Look at Small Cap Stocks that may no longer be Small Caps"